
What You Need To Know Before Colonic Irrigation

What You Need To Know Before Colonic Irrigation

Colonic irrigation is a holistic procedure, which uses water to flush out toxins left by an accumulation of feces in the intestine. Used to aid in the relief of constipation, the procedure tends to take between 30-45 minutes, where around 60 litres of water is passed through the colon. We’re going to explain what people need to know, before they undergo the colonics treatment.

What Colonic Irrigation Is Used For

High levels of stress, unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise can all lead to an increase in the amount of toxins in the human body.

Colonic irrigation treats a number of health and skin ailments, all of which are caused by that very build-up of toxins in the human gut and intestine. These health concerns include fatigue, acne, headaches and of course, constipation.

By cleansing the colon of any harmful debris, it helps to tackle the conditions mentioned above.

How You Should Prepare For Your Procedure?

There are a number of steps you can take to prepare for the procedure, to ensure you get the most from your treatment.

The first step you can take is to ensure that you’re well hydrated for your treatment. You should aim for about two litres of water per day in the week leading up to your colonic irrigation; this will help to flush the bowels out and as a result, support the colonic.

Again, in the week leading up to your colonic irrigation there are some fluids you should avoid. Specifically coffee and fizzy drinks, as they can both irate your gut.

Coffee is dehydrating, which will counteract all the water you drink and fizzy drinks can cause bloating, which makes the colonic process uncomfortable, so best to avoid these two substances before your treatment.

Health Conditions That Prevent You From Having The Treatment

Depending on whether or not you have a pre-existing medical condition, it may not be the best idea to have a colonic irrigation.

The NHS suggests that if you a condition that causes bowel inflammation, such as diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis that you shouldn’t have a colonic. What’s more, should you suffer from any form of bowel or rectal cancer, that you should avoid the procedure.

Additionally, if you have an uncontrolled blood pressure, heart problems, kidney or liver disease or are pregnant, colonic irrigation should be avoided, otherwise you may feel some adverse side effects.

You can find the full list of conditions and side effects on the NHS website.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

The short-lived procedure fortunately requires very little recovery time, due to the fact there is no anaesthetic or incision needed to complete the treatment.

This means you won’t need any downtime and you can return to work pretty much immediately after the procedure.

As for how long it takes to see results, you’ll feel relief from constipation straight after the treatment, it may take some time to see the results from the other ailments caused by the build-up of toxins, but rest assured that within the few weeks after your colonic irrigation you’ll feel much better.

Hopefully this guide has helped you understand some of the things you might need to consider before booking your colonic irrigation, to ensure you get the most from your money and your treatment.


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