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5 tips for you to have a healthy heart

Did you know that the disease of the heart and arteries is the murderer number one woman in the world ? Did you know that every minute a woman dies from his heart sick? And did you know that cardiovascular disease causes one of every three female deaths per year ?
The Heart Foundation gives us some tips to keep a healthy heart :

1. Eat healthy :

High intakes of trans or saturated fats increase the risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke . Too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and too much fat can lead to clogged arteries . Avoid salts, fats and sugars and increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables.

2. Move!

Even 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity 5 times a week reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Remember that physical activity is not just sport. Is any body movement that uses energy. From a sport , to the most diverse activities such as simply walking, dancing, doing housework or walking the pet.

3. Say NO to smoking and avoid secondhand smoke :

After two years of not smoking, the risk of CHD is substantially reduced and after 15 years the risk returns to that of a nonsmoker. If you smoke seeking professional advice on how to quit smoking .

4. Know your numbers

Know your blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels , body mass index , weight and measure your waist circumference . In find a guide .

5 . As a mom …

It is vital that women have healthy habits and take care of your heart during pregnancy to protect your child from hazards that can occur later. Remember that children learn by example and being a mom is the best guide for your children develop early habits that allow them to have strong hearts .

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